Looking for a school in Bloemfontein? Trying to find a boarding school? Looking for private or public school in Bloemfontein?
HTS Louis Botha
HTS Louis Botha - Louis Botha THS Louis Botha Technical High School has served the broader community of Bloemfontein, the Free State and South Africa for the past 113 years. Measured by the norms that apply for most other educational institutions,
Total views: 304
Total views: 304
Navalsig High School
OUR VISION A stronger community for a better tomorrow by today’s excellence. OUR MISSION Diverse and public educational institution engaging learners through learning opportunities in a stimulating environment; Foster excellence in all areas of life using restorative measures and guiding learners to self-discipline;
Total views: 95
Total views: 95
Eunice High School
VISION Eunice’s vision is to be a first rate, world-class high school which proudly affirms its longstanding standards, values and tradition and which is committed to academic excellence, quality teaching, social responsibility and multiple opportunities for all-round development.
Total views: 91
Total views: 91
Brebner High School
Brebner High School has been serving the Bloemfontein Community since 1906. Our School has always been an alternative choice for English speaking scholars in Bloemfontein, irrespective of their culture, religion or political affiliations.
Total views: 79
Total views: 79
Hoërskool Bloemfontein
Ons Doelwit... Our Goal... Skep van 'n leeromgewing Optimal development of learners Kwaliteit onderrig Development of good citizens for our country Waarom Hoërskool Bloemfontein? Why Bloemfontein High School? Ons is 'n skool met 'n verskil We give personal attention Ons stel belang in die individu We care for our learners Ons is 'n skool met 'n unieke karakter We keep up with more than the present Ons glo in...
Total views: 64
Total views: 64
M I S S I E Om ’n dinamiese gebalanseerde Afrikaanse skool te wees, met ’n waardegedrewe grondslag wat voortreflike onderrig bied om elke kind in totaliteit te ontwikkel. D O E L S T E L L I N G S Ons stel ons ten doel om: aan alle leerders van die skool onderrig van hoë kwaliteit te bied gegrond op waardes,
Total views: 44
Total views: 44
Hoërskool Fichardtpark
ONS LEEF DIE SPRANKEL VAN ONDERWYS Welkom by Hoërskool Fichardtpark ‘n groot skool waar dit saak maak, maar klein waar dit jou as individu raak. Met kleiner,meer persoonlike klasse is akademie die hoeksteen van ons skool en JOU behoeftes,
Total views: 26
Total views: 26
Browse schools in Bloenfontein.
Looking for a school in Bloemfontein? Trying to find a boarding school? Looking for private or public school in Bloemfontein?